CLOSED | Call for Entry: Online Group Exhibition - "Marks on the Land” - Winter 2024


© Anne Leighton Massoni

Analog Forever Magazine is thrilled to unveil our newest upcoming online exhibition, “Marks on the Land,” which will debut on February 28th, 2025. Curated by Anne Leighton Massoni, Executive Director of the Houston Center for Photography in Texas, this exhibition promises to be a captivating journey into the realm of analog photography.

We invite you to explore and respond to our unique prompt with your film or analog photography. The most compelling images will be featured in this online show. Embrace this opportunity to delve deep into the essence of photography and explore this profound theme below.

Prompt: The landscape reveals as much as it hides of our human past and present on its surface. Scars of birth and death alike on its land and waters; still open wounds of war and acts of unity centuries old as reminders but not always of lessons learned. Since the advent of the camera we have witnessed with the lens these shifts made on our planet and our contributions both subtle and overt.

As a current spectator with camera in hand and the analog methods we love, show us how you see humankind’s effect on our lands. We implore you to make a statement with your art.

Deadline for Submissions: February 1st, 2025.


Anne Leighton Massoni is Executive Director of the Houston Center for Photography in Texas. Before joining HCP she was the Dean and Managing Director of Education at the International Center of Photography in New York City. She has held academic positions at Marshall University, Cornell University, Tyler School of Art, Washington College, Memphis College of Art, Monmouth University, and the University of the Arts.

Massoni graduated with a MFA in Photography from Ohio University and BAs in Photography and Anthropology from Connecticut College. Her work relates to ideas of both real and fabricated memories and identity, using a variety of film and digital techniques.

She has exhibited nationally and internationally including the H. F. Johnson Museum in New York, The Print Center in Philadelphia, The Sol Mednick Gallery in Philadelphia, NIH in Washington, DC, the Allen Sheppard Gallery in New York City, Newspace Gallery in Portland, Rayko in San Francisco, the East End Film Festival in London, England, the International Mobile Innovation Screening in New Zealand and Australia, and IlCantinonearte Teatri e Galleria del Grifo in Montepulciano, Italy. Recent publications of her work include ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art and SpostaMenti, an exhibition catalog of her series “Holding” and The Photograph & The Album, Published by MuseumsEtc in England. She co-edited The Focal Press Companion to the Constructed Image in Contemporary Photography with Marni Shindelman. 

Michael Behlen
Michael Behlen is a photography enthusiast from Fresno, CA. He works in finance and spends his free time shooting instant film and seeing live music, usually a combination of the two. He has self- published two Polaroid photobooks--“Searching for Stillness, Vol. 1” and “I Was a Pioneer,” literally a boxed set of his instant film work. He exhibited a variety of his photos at Raizana Teas, a Fresno tea room and health food store; his work there, “Polaroid Prints of Landscapes and Strangers,” was up for viewing during the months of June and July, 2014. He has been published, been interviewed, and been reviewed in a quantity of magazines, from” F-Stop” and “ToneLit” to “The Film Shooter’s Collective.” He loves the magic sensuality of instant film: its saturated, surreal colors; the unpredictability of the medium; it’s addictive qualities as you watch it develop. Behlen is the founder and Publisher of “Pryme Magazine.” You can see his work here:

Call for Entry: Online Group Exhibition - "Wild” - Spring 2025


CLOSED | Call for Entry: Analog Forever Magazine - Edition 11