Online Group Exhibition - "Image Within the Image" Spring 2024
Analog Forever Magazine is proud to present "Image Within the Image" an online group exhibition featuring 57 photographs created with film and analog processes, curated by Curated by Tim Anderson, Publisher of Shadow and Light Magazine.
Tim Anderson writes:
I was very impressed by the submissions and had a challenging time picking and choosing images from such a wide range of topic matter. In attempting to submit images in line with the theme, “Image Within the Image,” many of the entrants captured that with surprising results.
In being a judge for a call-for-entry, I first view the submitted images to see if the picture meets the prescribed theme guidelines. At times, however, I find images that speak to me in a different language, one that captures my attention no matter the theme. These are images that show a certain amount of “eye.” Since I teach classes and coach students with an ongoing theme of Developing the Creative Vision, the “eye” is very important.
The images selected represent those that have a sense of clarity of thought, intention, and composition, as well as theme adherence. Some traits have been taught and others are inherent. These images might enable the viewer to take a moment, to slow down the thought process and give a thought (or two) about why that particular image captured your attention. Maybe it was something you recognized through a shadow or a cloud. Perhaps it reflected a memory from your childhood. No matter. That particular image did what artists hope their work will do: capture attention. And these selections most certainly captured my attention.
I always applaud photographers who enter contests and travel for portfolio reviews. As a magazine publisher, this is where I find a significant number of the artists who make up the highest percentage of content.

Tim Anderson has been a professional photographer for more than 50 years. He has reviewed photography portfolios for a wide variety of organizations, including Photolucida, Review Santa Fe, Review LA, Enchanted Lens Camera Club, and the Center for Fine Art Photography. He is the Founder/Managing Editor of Shadow & Light Magazine, a PDF/print photography publication, and The Journal, a bi-weekly international photo-based email newsletter, read in more than 128 countries and by more than 5,000 readers and subscribers. Shadow & Light Magazine has recently entered its 10th year.