NSWF | Featured Photographer: Chad Coombs - “Polaroid Portraits”
Chad Coombs’ "Portraits" series is an audacious foray into the unsettling terrain where identity, faith, and societal norms collide in his manipulated Polaroid collage series.
Featured Photographer: Beau Patrick Coulon - “Revel and Revolt”
From raucous punk mosh pits to passionate street protests, Coulon's photography lays bare the raw, kinetic energy of cultural defiance. His images are more than snapshots; they are a powerful documentation of the resilience and spirited opposition within communities fighting for justice in New Orleans.
Featured Photographers: Lenny Gerard - "Day vs. Night Juxtaposition”
Enter the realm of Lenny Gerard, a visionary artist who juxtaposes day and night shots of architectural marvels in an arresting critique of capitalism. Gerard's work, as captivating as it is contemplative, challenges the viewer to consider the implications of a system that values work over life, and productivity over creativity.
Featured Photographers: Sileō - "System Error"
System Error, a thought-provoking photo series by Italian artists Silvia Pedrina and Leonardo Brentan, a.k.a Sileō, challenges perceptions of our growing relationship with technology. Combining traditional photography with digital techniques, the series offers a fascinating exploration of the intersection between the physical and digital realms.
Featured Photographer: Felicita Russo - "Imaginary Landscape"
Italian photographer Felicita Russo’s instant film based creations of extraterrestrial worlds and breathtaking future landscapes bridge the gap between traditional painting, contemporary art, and science fiction. Through her work, she pushes the boundaries of contemporary light painting to new frontiers.
Featured Photographer: Jamie Swick - “Instant Transcendence”
Jamie Swick’s environmental portraits of the Pacific Northwest produce a distinct stillness that is undeniable. Her picturesque landscapes suggest a new era of environmentalism that isn’t fought by tying yourself to a tree, but by walking among them.
Featured Photographer: Luca Tombolini - "Vistas Paradossales”
Luca Tombolini’s series Vistas artistically explores the scientific idea of Space, Time, and their relativity by asking viewers to consider the perception of their via place in the universe via the combination of long and multiple exposure landscapes and cameraless microscapes made of color drops in solvents.
Featured Photographer: Liz Albert - "Family Fictions”
Liz Albert’s series, Family Fictions, take us on a journey back in time to explore family and social dynamics in the 50s and 60s through photographic slides that she has found, purchased, and combined into diptychs.
Featured Photographer: Vincent Ricardel - "The Way Back"
Vincent Ricardel’s series “The Way Back” was created with a Hasselblad 500 CM camera and 19+-year-old Kodak Black and White Verichrome Pan film. His series masterfully challenges the notion that there are no frontiers left in the American West.
NSFW | Featured Photographer: Clément Marion’s Series "Phoenix"
Clément Marion’s series “Phoenix” features wet plate collodion photographs of severe burn victims that act as both hybrid artistic therapy for his models but also a commentary on important social constructs that influence their mental and emotional healing.
Featured Photographer: Ed Carr's 5000+ Cyanotype Print Music Video
Alternative process photographer, printmaker, and researcher Ed Carr has created the first-ever music video made from over 5000 hand-printed cyanotypes for Tycho Jones and Globe Town Records. Learn all about his unique creation now!
Featured Photographer: Gracie Baer’s Series "Corporeal Worth"
Gracie Baer’s series “Corporeal Worth” draws parallels between our relationship with the natural world and society by contemplating the commonality between animals and people, in both life and in death.
Featured Photographer: Kyle Lang's Series "Manifest Content"
Kyle Lang’s new series Manifest Content is a darkroom photography project that delves into themes of time, memory, dreams, subconsciousness, and the environment we find ourselves in, both while awake and lucid dreaming.
Featured Photographer: John F. Cooper's "Organic Portraits"
John F. Cooper’s series Organic Portraits is a timeless and fundamentally beautiful collection of portraits that were created to raise awareness for—and help preserve—the world's rainforests.
Featured Photographer: Fanzutti Flora’s Series “Erosion”
Fanzutti Flora’s Series “Erosion” features experimental large format negatives that embrace the idea of creative destruction by conjuring works of art that are impossible to create in-camera.
Featured Photographer: Nils Karlson's Series "Vastness"
Nils Karlson series Vastess explores the country of Iceland through a pinhole lens that describes the profound feeling of calm and quiet that evoke our primal urge for beautiful silence.
Featured Photographer: Sheri Lynn Behr's Series "Beyond Recognition"
Sheri Lynn Behr's Series "Beyond Recognition" asks important questions about societies’ relationship with technology. Her manipulated Polaroids urge us to ponder what is actually "real" in the digital world.
Featured Photographer: Yoshitaka Goto’s Surreal Double Exposures
Yoshitaka Goto captures double exposures that allow you to be in two completely different places at once. Imagine being on the edge of a cliff watching a raging waterfall tumble down off a skyscraper!
Featured Photographer: Daniel Kobi - In Pursuit of Nature
Daniel Kobi takes us on an honest and inspiring journey through the Swiss wilderness via his tack sharp images that embrace the unadulterated colors of the pristine European backcountry wilderness.
Featured Photographer: Zhou HanShun's "Frenetic City"
In an effort of catharsis, to capture and recreate the tension and pandemonium felt on the streets of Hong Kong in photographic form, Zhou HanShun embarked to create his series and now book, Frantic City.