Analog Forever Magazine

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Polaroid Week Spring 2019: Our Top 20 Favorites!

Polaroid Week is a bi-annual celebration of instant film that is held on Flickr that allows lovers of the medium to get together and share their newly created instant works. This year’s Spring Polaroid Week started on Sunday March 21st and lasted until Friday March 26th and had 222 members submit a total of 1,200+ photographs! We watched the action unfold and have chosen 20 of our absolute favorites! These are just our picks and there are still thousands of amazing instant photographs to go see on the Flickr Group Pool! So go check it out!

A Short description from Roid Week’s Group Pool:

“We started POLAROID WEEK in 2006 to celebrate instant film. We also started it as a project – to see what new and interesting things we could do with instant film; and to challenge ourselves to produce some really great work.”

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Michael Behlen is a photography enthusiast from Fresno, CA. He works in finance and spends his free time shooting instant film and backpacking in the California wilderness, usually a combination of the two. He is the founder of Analog Forever Magazine. Connect with Michael Behlen on his Website and on Instagram!